Pediatric Ophthalmology

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Pediatric Ophthalmology

Vision impairment in childhood has a dramatic impact not only on the social development of a child, but also on his/her learning ability and potential. As certain serious eye disorders produce no early warning symptoms, it becomes all the more necessary to know when to get your child evaluated by a qualified professional.

The paediatric ophthalmology services offered at Rotary eye Institute, are dedicated to provide comprehensive ophthalmic care to children and teenagers.
Rotary Eye Institute started fully equipped pediatric department in 2022. Paediatric department.

1. Squint Management
2. Cataract Management
3. Refraction
4. Myopia Control
5. Amblyopia Management
a. Various Modes of Training the Lazy eye, through In-Office exercise, computerised vision therapy, Home Exercise.
6. Nystagmus and Diplopia Management
7. Low vision
a. In-House low vision department, Paediatric patients are referred to low vision department if needed.
8. Vision Therapy
a. Fully Equipped Vision Therapy center with In-office and Home exercises are recommended.
9. Other Paediatric Eye Conditions

This department is also actively involved in school screening, how to use digital devices awareness campaign in Navsari and surat districts to help in the earliest possible detection of ophthalmic conditions among children. This community outreach program helps paediatric patients to receive the best possible ophthalmic care at the earliest.

Enhancing Your Vision

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